Binary trees storing huge amounts of data in nodes

Ng Pheng Siong ngps at
Tue Nov 7 11:19:13 EST 2000

According to Thomas Weholt <thomas at>:
> I've looked at Ransacker but it doesn't seem to fit the amount of data I
> need to scan. 

Have you actually tried it with your data?

A few entries below Ransacker at Parnassus's "latest", there is
something called pymifluz - "Python bindings for mifluz (C++ library 
to build and query a full text inverted index".

Also, amk's sumo-zodb package bundles Zope's Catalog and SearchIndex. 
That's another possibility.

Finally, you can use Glimpse and perhaps build a Python interface for it.


Ng Pheng Siong <ngps at> *

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