Python 2.0 Attempt to execute fails

Tim Peters tim_one at
Sat Nov 4 01:24:29 EST 2000

[Colin J. Williams]
> The Traceback, using Windows 95, follows.
> ...
> A similar indication is given when is executed from DOS.
> Any advice would be appreciated.

Ha!  Then this is about as "any" as it gets:  The standard regression test is expected to fail under Windows, but if and only if you
don't have a network connection open at the time you run it.  The most
common report of failure is from people with dialup phone modem ISP accounts
who aren't logged on to their ISP at the time they run the test.

That said, I'm not sure this thing *is* "the standard regression test":

>  File "G:\Program Files\Python\Gordon\ExTest1_Stat\",
>  line 72, in ?

although this is the expected error on the expected line:

>    hname, aliases, ipaddrs = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip)
>    error: host not found

    as-designed<wink>-ly y'rs  - tim

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