P*rl in Latin, whither Python?

Ben Wolfson wolfson at midway.uchicago.edu
Mon Nov 13 13:40:10 EST 2000

In article <slrn90vsst.tq6.grey at teleute.rpglink.com>,
Steve Lamb <morpheus at here.not.there> wrote:
>On 13 Nov 2000 08:03:47 +0100, Martin Christensen
><knightsofspamalot-factotum at mail1.stofanet.dk> wrote:
>>Yes, but I get 'they're' and 'their' right _every_ time. How many
>>natives do that?
>    Ah, but what about who and whom?  :)

If you're coming from a language with even a trace of cases, "who" and
"whom" probably aren't that difficult.  If y'all always get "it's" and "its"
right, well then.

BTR  |  It is a symptome of Melancholy to be afraid of death, and yet
sometimes to desire it; this latter I have often discovered in my selfe, and
thinke noe man ever desired life as I have sometimes Death.
 -- Thomas Browne, _Religio Medici_

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