Pythoncom error when calling method

Mark Hammond MarkH at
Mon Nov 20 17:56:13 EST 2000

kevin_mcfarlane at wrote:

> Hi,
> Python 2.0 on Windows 95 OSR2
> I am having trouble calling an ActiveX method of the form:
> sequence = sequenceFile.GetSequence(0)
> It produces the following error:
> File "c:\python20\win32com\client\", line 429, in __getattr__
>     raise pythoncom.com_error, details
> com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0, 'TSAPI', 'Expected
> 1 positional (non-named) parameters; found 0.', None, 0, -17808), None)

This error is caused by the ActiveX control returning a non-standard 
error when queried for a property that doesnt exist.  That query is made 
internally by win32com, so it is not anything you are doing wrong.

The only real solution is to run "makepy" over the ActiveX type library. 
  This will cause win32com to know that GetSequence() is a real method, 
and will avoid the step causing it to fail.


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