GUID Generators for non-Windows systems?

Mike Fletcher mfletch at
Sat Nov 4 12:05:16 EST 2000

The remote-server approach is not appropriate in my particular case, as I
need complete distribution (i.e. there can't be any single points of failure
in the network), but might be useful for others.

Incidentally, the PYRO package has a "random" GUID generator (uses IP
address + random number instead of the MAC hardware ID number).

The E2FSProgs solution looks like the "right" way to go. Does every
Linux/Unix system have it (or is it really easy for people to install)?  If
so, doing an os.system under a sys.platform check sounds fine (I'm not going
to try and wrap it as a python module on a platform to which I have no
access :o) ).

Thanks all,

-----Original Message-----
From: jay.krell at [mailto:jay.krell at]
Sent: Saturday, November 04, 2000 11:33 AM
To: Mike Fletcher; Python List (E-mail)
Subject: Re: GUID Generators for non-Windows systems?

I've long been hoping for someone to host a guid generator on a web page, or
nowadays via xml-rpc/soap. Maybe at some point I'll get around to setting up
a Windows server somewhere with a static ip addres...

 - Jay

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