str vs repr Re: Rounding Bug in Python 2.0! - ugh

Thomas Wouters thomas at
Wed Nov 1 17:06:39 EST 2000

On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 01:27:07PM +0100, Alex Martelli wrote:

[ The str()-versus-repr() issue in the Python REPL ]

> Given the number of posts about this, including ones from
> experienced people, this might perhaps help.  How does
> one open a PEP about it...?

You open a PEP by writing one ;) Once you have a draft, you mail it to
Barry, who will give it a number, or maybe reject it. The idea to have
user-definable functions to do the P in 'REPL' was brought up before, on
python-dev, but I don't recall what came of it. (That, in itself, suggests a
PEP would be useful :-) The current setup makes it less-than-trivial, but
not impossible.

The question is, do you have enough time to waste on a PEP ? :-)

Still-trying-to-catch-up-on-the-three-PEPs-that-carry-my-name-ly y'rs,
Thomas Wouters <thomas at>

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