grant gsc at
Mon Nov 6 23:46:53 EST 2000

I have been using computers for 10 years : MAC->WINDOWS->now LINUX
I am only now beginning to see the light.
Also I beleive Python is the replacement for Visual Basic which was my
main language.

I am very interested in the CROSS PLATFORM abilities of Python and am
about to start a big project with PYTHON

What is in your opinion the best way to develope high performance front
ends LIKE Visual Basic Forms/compiled which is then EASILY cross platform
compiled to use in windows and also
in Linux windows. I am very interested in the best Linux GUI that complies
with windows in terms of Objects like Listboxs / Buttons / Picturebox's.

I want to use python as a scripting tool for a highly functional database
creation application.

1st question is what are the best compilers to create fast backend PYTHON
objects in for windows/linux.

2nd Question  is what are the best tools/compilers to create windows and GUI
front end objects so I don't have to RECODE for both platforms.

I was wondering is there a C++ toolkits/libraries that are helpful
in getting the GUI objects ported easily.

I was also wondering where I can get good examples of python code as I
have been spoilt for to long by the huge VB community.

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