Case-sensitivity: 3 years is a long time

Martijn Faassen m.faassen at
Mon May 22 07:49:01 EDT 2000

Andrew Kuchling <akuchlin at> wrote:
> 2 years is half an eternity in this business, and lots of things can
> change between now and 2002, when GvR fires up Emacs on a file named
> py3k-lang-spec.txt.

Excellent observation. :)

>  Possibilities include: 

> 	* Python 1.x's installed base explodes in size, making it
> 	  impractical to make any backward-incompatible changes at all

This is already happening.

> 	* Someone invents a better new language, and all the Python
>  	  community switches to it.

Also possible:

  * Someone reimplements Python from scratch and it's 10/100 times faster.
> 	* Aliens arrive and suck out everyone's brain.

How did you know? I thought this was PSU classified information!

[snip lots more that I agree with]


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