Arrgh! Please help.

Courageous jkraska1 at
Sat May 13 22:29:37 EDT 2000

>         for key,value in rv.items():
>                 oL = oL + value + "&" + "blah"
> WHY???  

You didn't say what types your key and value are. You
most likely either need `value` or you need to somehow
sensibly convert value to a string by defining a method
to do athat.

> And while I'm at it, is there any way to use consecutive print
> statements,...

Here's one way:

	print "This is a test of the emergency broadcast system\n" \
          "This is only a test. Had this been an actual\n" \
          "emergency, you would have been given instructions\n" \
          "on where to go and what to do.

Here's another way:

	print "Guten tag! Ich heisse \"%s\", and ich bin von\n" \
          "Dresden. Ich habe %d jaren, und Ich grosse %3.1f\n" \
          "kilogramme. Anschildegung. Meine Deustch ist nicht\n" \
          "so gut." % ( "Josef", 33, 85.3 )

And yet another way:

	print "This is"+" a test"+" of string concatenation, "+ \
              "which can be very expensive."

Note that the % operator isn't just for print. For example, you
do thing like:

	str = "Hi, my name is \"%s\"" % "Fred"


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