ANNOUNCE: mod_python 2.0 - A Python module for Apache.

Cary O'Brien cobrien at Radix.Net
Sun May 28 09:16:45 EDT 2000

In article <Pine.LNX.4.21.0005241851451.17564-100000 at>,
Gregory Trubetskoy  <grisha at> wrote:
>Mod_python is an Apache HTTP server module that allows embedding Python
>within Apache, bringing together the versatility of Python and the power
>of Apache.
>More information is available at:

1) Fantastic, and not a moment too soon.  

2) I'm not sure I understand interpreter lifetime.  I need to
   create a system that accesses a database (PostgreSQL to start, 
   then mabye oracle).  So I'd like to have one interpreter per
   apache process, plus an initiliaizer/terminator function.  That way there
   could be one persistant database connection per apache process.

3) You mentioned using ZPublisher.   Does this mean with mod_python you
   could have one interpreter per apache subprocess accessing a common
   Zope database?  My concern would be locking on the zope database.  I
   asked about doing this on the zope mailing list and couldn't get an

(I guess my bias is showing.  I trust separate processes and my own code
  more than I trust threads :) )

4) Isn't there another mod_python floating around out there?  Or is
   this the same one as ?

5) I've got the bits to pull out embedded code from HTML documents and
   execute them (from a tcl based module).  Interested?

-- cary

cobrien at

>  Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy
>       grisha at

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