ANNOUNCE: XIST 0.1 - an XML based extensible HTML generator

doerwalter at doerwalter at
Tue May 16 04:12:55 EDT 2000

Hi all!

XIST is a HTML preprocessor/generator and an XML transformation engine.
Some of the significant features of XIST include:

   * Easily extensible with new XML elements
   * Can be used for offline or online page generation
   * Allows embedding Python code in XML files
   * Works together with httpdapy/mod_python
   * Simplifies handling of deeply nested directory trees
   * Automatically generates HEIGHT and WIDTH attributes for images

It was written as a replacement for the HTML preprocessor HSC
(, and borrows some features and
ideas from it.

It also borrows the basic ideas (XML/HTML elements as Python objects)
from HTMLgen or HyperText.

XIST is available from
Direct questions regarding XIST to walter at

<p><a href="">XIST 0.1</a> -
an XML based extensible HTML generator. (16-May-2000)

   Walter Dörwald

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