Guitar tuning program

Laurent Duperval lduperval at
Fri May 19 08:57:53 EDT 2000


I'm looking for a guitar tuning program program that will work like one of
those electroning tuner things: you hit a string and it tells you if your
string is flat, sharp or on the money. I have one already but it won't let
me do proper pitch tuning: I want to be able to to tune my guitar half a
tone (or more) higher or lower (i.e. move E to Eb or F). Can anyone
recommend a utility of some sort that will let me do this? Here are my

- Has to work on Intel-Linux. If it's a Windows program, I'm not
interested unless the source code comes with it

- No tuning by ear, please! I can figure out how to do that on my own but
I'm not any good at it. I want to stick my PC's mic in front of the
strings and then use the tool like I would my electroninc tuner

- Preferably not a Xforms- or Qt-based program. I prefer Tk or tkInter or Java
C w/ X11. Binaries are acceptable also, provided I can get them from a reputabe 



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