resource.getrusage() broken under Linux?

Michael Hudson mwh21 at
Wed May 3 09:16:51 EDT 2000

Tim Churches <tchur at> writes:

> I checked the FAQs and email archives but couldn't find anything on
> this. Using Python 1.5.2 compiled under SuSE Linux 6.1 (kernel 2.2.7),
> the getrusage() function in the resource library module correctly
> returns the user and system mode time used by the Python process as the
> first two items of its return value, but all the other items, which are
> supposed to indicate memory utilisation, return zero. Is this a known
> problem under Linux? Any work-arounds? 

Well, I can't claim to be knowledgeable about this sort of thing, but
it's hard to see how resource.getrusage could return something
different to getrusage(2), and indeed compiling the following rather
grotesque C

#include <sys/resource.h>

#define SIZE (16*1024*1024)

int main(void)
	struct rusage ru;
	char* pMem = malloc(SIZE);
	return *((int*)-10);

and executing

$ gcc -g ru.c && ./a.out; (echo "print ru" | gdb -q a.out core)


$1 = {ru_utime = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 30000}, ru_stime = {tv_sec = 1, 
    tv_usec = 160000}, ru_maxrss = 0, ru_ixrss = 0, ru_idrss = 0, 
  ru_isrss = 0, ru_minflt = 4110, ru_majflt = 785, ru_nswap = 0, 
  ru_inblock = 0, ru_oublock = 0, ru_msgsnd = 0, ru_msgrcv = 0, 
  ru_nsignals = 0, ru_nvcsw = 0, ru_nivcsw = 0}

which indeed looks rather like what python says.

Make of this what you will...


  nonono,  while we're making wild  conjectures about the behavior 
  of completely  irrelevant tasks,  we must not  also make serious 
  mistakes, or the data might suddenly become statistically valid.
                                      -- Erik Naggum, comp.lang.lisp

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