Arrgh! Please help.

Jerome Chan eviltofu at
Sat May 13 23:38:46 EDT 2000

In article <391e0f88.90186331 at>, 
chibaA at TinterlogD.Tcom wrote:

> Yeah... it says the value is int - which obviously won't work.  
> Is there any way to FORCE fields to be of string?  Here's the way that
> I'm defining that dictionary:
> rv = {}
> rv['id'] = '3'
> etc., etc..
> and it assigns it an INT.??  
> Thanks again,
> kc

>From my Python interpreter:

>>> rv = {}
>>> rv['id'] = '3'
>>> rv.items()
[('id', '3')]
>>> for key,value in rv.items(): print key,value
id 3
>>> for key,value in rv.items(): print type(key),type(value)
<type 'string'> <type 'string'>

So it does look like it's a string.
Check your data entry again, maybe you entered it as rv['id'] = 3
If you are really paranoid:

import types

oL = ''
for value in rv.values():
    if type(value)!=types.StringType:
        aValue = str(value)
        aValue = value
    oL = oL + aValue + '&' + 'blah'
print "blah = %s" % oL

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