Book missing from python line-up?

Dennis Lee Bieber wlfraed at
Fri May 26 00:10:12 EDT 2000

On Thu, 25 May 2000 13:27:15 +0800, Nick Bower
<N.Bower at> declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:

> If one of Python's goals is to be a good teaching language, shouldn't
> there be a book about OOP using Python, rather than the current books on
> Python with only chapters on OOP?
	I would first split things a bit... Forget OOP until /after/
devouring a book on OO DESIGN (maybe a good book on UML).

	After that, it is just a matter of mapping the design onto the
capabilities of the language -- it's not easy, but one could implement
an OO design even using FORTRAN (it just wouldn't be obvious as one
would need to "manually" create the inheritance structure and
name-mangling to handle "overloaded" methods).

	After a grounding in "object" concepts, one shouldn't need that
much more to learn the specifics of an OO language, so a chapter or two
on OOP in that language should be sufficient.

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