Another salvo in the indentation war? I hope not.

Thomas Wouters thomas at
Thu May 25 16:54:25 EDT 2000

On Thu, May 25, 2000 at 06:12:58PM +0000, rzantow at wrote:

> This isn't really intended to launch into Yet Another Indentation
> Threat, but I have one plausible argument in favor of some form of
> block marking: When a newsreader, browser, or mail program trashes the
> indentation from examples of Python source, it is a real pain in the
> hindlimbs to recover the original program logic.

Well, I'd vote to fix the news/mail program, not Python. Ok, so I'm biased
because I have severe contempt for sucky programs :-) If you really care
about posting code that remains readable and usable, attach your code
seperately, as a text/plain attachment. Most news and mailreaders will
happily show this right below your posting's text, easily viewable, but are
less inclined to eradicate 'extraneous' whitespace from it. You can also
save & run it easier.

> Yeah-I've-just-been-bitten-so-what?!-muttering-darkly-ly (?),

Ah-you-said-the-magic-word--'mutt'--the-solution-to-all-mail-problems-ly y'rs,

Thomas Wouters <thomas at>

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