auto increment operator??

Bob van der Poel bvdpoel at
Mon May 29 19:41:18 EDT 2000

I'm new to python, so excuse if this has been answered 100 times

I'm a refugee from C and TCL/Tk. I don't have time for C anymore and I'm
finding that tcl just doesn't scale up. Looking at python for the first
time now and it looks like it will work well for many projects. But, I
seem to be missing some things. First off, why are there no operators
equivalent to C's ++, --, +=, etc.? Very useful, and readable. Writing
things like: 'var = var+1' is getting old real fast.


  /  )      /         Bob van der Poel
 /--<  ____/__        bvdpoel at
/___/_(_) /_)

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