*blink* That's neat.

Niels Diepeveen niels at endea.demon.nl
Wed May 31 16:51:38 EDT 2000

Martijn Faassen schreef:
> And it would seem to be very hard to do away with booleans
> on the semantic level; is there any programming language that does without
> 'and' and 'or' equivalents?

Early BASIC, I think. It's not too hard to get rid of "and" and "not",
for example, write "if a and not b" as:
 if a:
     if b: pass
Doing without "or" gets messy if you don't have "goto". Nested if-elses
with a single boolean operator is probably something most people can
deal with.

Niels Diepeveen
Endea automatisering

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