was: What's in a name?, now: caseless: Try it, you might like it.

Shae Erisson shapr at uab.edu
Thu May 25 06:33:19 EDT 2000

"Edward S. Vinyard" wrote:

> My intent was to stimulate discussion along these lines, rather than
> rehash the case sensitivity vs. case insensitivity arguments that have
> been presented in other threads on this newsgroup.  I apologize if this
> was not clear from my original messages.

Personally, I'd like to see IDLE handling the case issue just like the
VB IDE does, that way newbies wouldn't be confused (I hope), and I could
still be happily case senisitive (except my .sig).

On the other hand, Guido wrote Python, and it's wonderful. Why be afraid
of change? All of the changes that have been made to Python so far were

The case-sensitive issue just might be the same as the whitespace issue.
Python's unconvential approach works quite well for me in whitespace,
I'm willing to give another unconvential approach a chance at least.
sHae mAtijs eRisson (sHae at wEbwitchEs.coM) gEnius fOr hIre
   bRing mE fIve sQuirrels aNd nO oNe wIll gEt hUrt
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