Beginners' Question -- Assigning variables in a lambda

Michael Hudson mwh21 at
Sat May 27 18:51:25 EDT 2000

digitig at (Tim Rowe) writes:

> In article <m37lchjgri.fsf at>, mwh21 at 
> (Michael Hudson) wrote:
> Thanks.


> I'm not really comfortable with either, though. In my version,
> handler will have quite a few keys but two or three actual
> handlers. Your first solution assumes that all keys are handled in
> essentially the same way 

Yes.  My telepathy was obviously having an off day...

> (sorry, I may have wrongly implied that when I said what
> get_number() does). The second solution involves writing a separate
> handler for each key (ok, so does my failed lambda solution, but
> it's more compact!) What I really want to do is assign one of the
> few handlers to each key. All the handlers will assign to a variable
> which I would really like to be in the local scope of the call, but
> global scope would do, but they will derive the variable in
> different ways. For example, the one I've shown interprets the
> parameter as a string representation of a number and converts it to
> a numerical representation; another will force the parameter into
> string form.

Hmm.  Do you really, really need the options to go into variables?
Couldn't you do something like this:

options = { # fill out for defaults
   "bandwidth": 300,

def mksetter(var,val):
    exec """\
def setter(input):
    options[%s] = %s
    return setter

opthandlers = {
   "b" : mksetter("bandwidth","eval(input)"),

Most methods of actually setting variables are likely to be somewhat

Anyway, it's getting late and I'm probably not helping, so I'll stop
for now.

> By the way, I don't mind you asserting on user data.

Err, yes you do, because if you run python with -O as an command line
option, asserts don't get executed (repeat after me: "assertion
failure's are program bugs").


  nonono,  while we're making wild  conjectures about the behavior 
  of completely  irrelevant tasks,  we must not  also make serious 
  mistakes, or the data might suddenly become statistically valid.
                                        -- Erik Naggum, comp.lang.lisp

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