Marking hyperlinks in a Text widget

Ben Wolfson rumjuggler at
Wed May 31 23:36:44 EDT 2000

gOn Thu, 01 Jun 2000 03:12:35 GMT, cjc26 at (Cliff
Crawford) wrote:

>| Is openURL a function that you have written? If so, can I check it out?
>That's actually a command-line argument of Unix versions of Netscape.  I
>don't know if it would work on Windows.  If you're using Unix, try
>typing the following at a shell prompt (with Netscape already running):
>% netscape -remote 'openURL('
>It should make Netscape go to the Python page.

On windows you can just do 


from the command line.  If you do

netscape -remote 'openURL('

it will look for ""

Barnabas T. Rumjuggler

NEW Epistemology Strips!  Dogs don't know they don't know it's not
 -- Ranjit Bhatnagar

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