Python Compiler

Remco Gerlich scarblac-spamtrap at
Mon May 1 03:49:15 EDT 2000

Eric Jacobs wrote in comp.lang.python:
> Here's an example to give you an idea of the depth of the problem:
>      while i < len(x):
>          ...
> The expression len(x) looks like a candidate for code motion. That is, we
> would like to move the expression above the loop, computing it once
> instead of redundant computing the same value every time through the loop.
> In order to do that, we must prove that 1) len(x) computes the same value
> every time it is evaluated with the same arguments (it is purely
> functional), and 2) that evaluating len(x) causes no change in the value
> of any expression (it is side-effect free.)
> Firstly, we must check the body of the loop to make sure that no
> assignments are made to x.

There's even more: you need to check for assignment to len in the loop as
well :)

Hmm. I think it's impossible in general to check algorithmically if a
function, always given the same argument, always returns the same thing.
(although you can flag the difficult cases and assume they're not purely
functional, I suppose).


Remco Gerlich,  scarblac at
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