Stackless/microthreads merge news

Courageous jkraska1 at
Mon May 15 22:04:57 EDT 2000

> The python community, dispite being waaay smaller, seems more diverse
> and generally more fun.  Certainly, less deluded about the limitations
> of the language.

I suspect that it's the nature of the game. You have to be a
fairly flexible and explorative kind of person who doesn't
fall into language worship in order to be an early adopter
of a programming language which isn't popular. That sort of
selection process by nature excludes an entire range of
personalities, many of them who are people you really don't
want around, anyway. This group is much more friendly than,
say, comp.lang.lisp or comp.lang.c++.

> Because he didn't make C stackless: he made Python-in-C stackless, and
> CPython is an implementation of a virtual machine as well as a
> language.  JPython relies upon the Java virtual machine, and is just
> an implmentation of the Python language.  Therefore, in order to make
> JPython stackless, he has to edit the Java virtual machine, in order
> to make CPython stackless, he had to edit the Python virtual machine.

Exactly. He didn't even make the python virtual machine stackless
(he couldn't... it's written in C!), what he did was make python
frames and their usage within the python interpreted environment
stackless. Since Mr. Tismer's around, I'm sure he'll comment soon,
right Christian? :)-

> In fact, he commented that making C itself stackless would be too hard
> to really consider seriously and nobody in the community would
> appreciate it at all.

Hey, now take that back! I'd appreciate it whole lots. :)

But I think you'd have to write a full fledged compiler for this,
and that *is* a lot of work.


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