Case-sensitivity: why -- or why not? (was Re: Damnation!)

Paul Foley mycroft at
Fri May 26 07:37:54 EDT 2000

On 21 May 2000 18:39:07 GMT, Neel Krishnaswami wrote:

> Perhaps you should look at languages that are case-insensitive, and
> see if people have the problems you suspect they might? Large bodies
> of source code for Common Lisp, Scheme and Dylan are available under

Common Lisp is *not* case-insensitive.  The reader just upcases most
symbols by default, but you can easily change that if you want (e.g.,
make it downcase everything, leave the case as typed, or invert the
case of non-mixed-case symbols), and you can quote characters (with
backslash, or by surrounding them with vertical bars) to tell the
reader to leave them alone.  |Foo|, |foo| and |FOO| are three totally
independent things.

If that makes any sense to you, you have a big problem.
                                    -- C. Durance, Computer Science 234
(setq reply-to
  (concatenate 'string "Paul Foley " "<mycroft" '(#\@) ">"))

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