object browser in emacs

Eric Ludlam eludlam at mathworks.com
Thu May 25 09:19:03 EDT 2000

>>> hzhu at rocket.knowledgetrack.com (Huaiyu Zhu) seems to think that:
>I just realized the folowing interesting thing: If you enable jde mode for
>java, you can use the speedbar which lists objects in a convenient tree in a
>separate window.  Now if you edit python code it automatically lists python
>objects (including all python modules in the directory).  Really cool.
>Is the speedbar a part of jde-mode that happens to also work in python-mode,
>or is it a language-neutral app?  Can I ask python-mode to use it

Speedbar is a generic tool that is part of Emacs and XEmacs.  The JDE
tends to include or require newer versions of speedbar.

[====]___||.   Eric Ludlam          "The X Guy"    The MathWorks   x 7556
  |[]|     |=  eludlam at mathworks.com  (work)      http://www.mathworks.com
 _|__|=====+   zappo at ultranet.com     (home)   http://www.ultranet.com/~zappo
   O-O-O[ ]\\  Trevor Shea Ludlam     (son)    Oct 16th 1999; 5lbs, 11oz, 18in

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