location of home made modules

Felix Thibault felixt at dicksonstreet.com
Mon May 15 22:50:59 EDT 2000

At 22:01 5/15/00 GMT, Huaiyu Zhu wrote:
>What is the standard place to put one's home-made modules?
>How to get Python to know that place?  I tried to put modules in
>~/lib/python/ with the following in ~/.pythonrc 
>import sys, os
>sys.path.append("%s/lib/python" % os.environ["HOME"])
>This works in the interactive interpreter but does not get the module from
>program files.  Previously all my modules stay in the same directory as the
>programs that load them so this problem did not manifest itself.
>I can't find where in the docs this is mentioned.
>Thanks for any pointer.
>Huaiyu Zhu                               hzhu at knowledgetrack.com

I think this is to do with whatever shell you're using...with the bash shell
what I had to do so my scripts could find my modules was open up the
file and add the line:

to the section where the PATH variable was defined and then add
PYTHONPATH onto the list of variables after the 'export' statement at the
end of the file.
But I think it all depends on which shell you're using...
Hopefully helpfully-

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