Bit length of int or long?

Carey Evans c.evans at
Sat May 20 00:02:38 EDT 2000

"Darrell Gallion" <darrell at> writes:

> Assuming it never hurts to ask.
> >>> x=0xffffffff
> >>> x >> 1
> -1
> Wouldn't 0x7fffffff be nice, maybe even a rotate function.

There's been previous threads about this.  Unsigned shift right seems
to be quite useful for some cryptographic functions.

I found when rewriting crypt() in Python that nearly all the right
shifts were by constants, so I could write something like

    ((t >> 18) & 0x3fff)

to trim off the sign bits.

         Carey Evans
"The risk of U.S. national security resting in the hands of adults who play
with children's toys during office hours is left as an exercise to the reader."
                                                       - Bruce Martin in RISKS

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