Python, cgi and redirect

Jarkko Torppa torppa at
Wed May 10 05:30:43 EDT 2000

In article <39191ca8.537672021 at>, Teemu Keskinarkaus wrote:
>Is there simple cgi module for python that can do redirect?? Now I'm
>doing redirect in cgi-script like this:
>print "Status: 302 Moved"
>print "Location:"
>That works fine except I get 'Premature end of script headers' errors
>in apache error_log everytime I use that script.(but browser is
>redirected to url I give)  Is there something missing or is there
>ready cgi/web module to do stuff like that??

There might be module somewhere, but it is so simple that I see no
need for it.

Headerterminator (empty line) and body is missing from your cgi
script, add something like. Dunno if the body is necessary.

print '<html><head><title>302 go away</title></head>'
print '<body><p>go away</p></body>'

 Jarkko Torppa                torppa at
  Megabaud Internet-palvelut

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