Damnation! (was: Re: Python3k extended grammar)

Dirck Blaskey dirck.IsGettingTooMuchSpam at pacbell.net
Mon May 22 12:19:32 EDT 2000

Russell Wallace <rwallace at esatclear.ie> wrote in message
news:392877EE.4992 at esatclear.ie...
> ...
> Quick question: Any chance of removing the requirement for colons at the
> end of class, def, if, for, while lines?  That's the only thing about
> Python's syntax I truly dislike, and I still keep tripping up on it;
> pretty nearly all the rest I find fine.

When I brought this up a couple of months ago, no one seemed to think
it was a good idea.  I implemented the hack just for fun, though I haven't
actively been using it.  (Fired it up recently during a discussion:
"do single line if statements need colons?" on c.l.python).

The primary argument seemed to be:
1) Guido doesn't like Optional Anything (...One-Obvious-Way...)
2) The colons make the code *slightly* more readable

If you are interested in the whole discussion or want the code,
it's available at http://www.danbala.com/python/colopt


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