hungarian notation is evil (was Re: Do I always have to write "self." ?)

Courageous jkraska1 at
Wed May 17 21:12:51 EDT 2000

> some programming.  Any fool can write unreadable code in any language.
> Writing code that is unreadable to someone who is fluent in a language
> is probably a sign of incompetence.

Yes, but show me the STL for a vector of vectors, or the
complimentary iterator for a vector of vectors. The syntactic
complexity alone is enough to send a programmer running for
the hills. It's no wonder that so many C++ programmers defected
to Java with it's generic containers of Object, and likewise
generic iterators of Object.

Having learned C++ in 1985, and looking back on the last 15 years,
I followed it's growth, and increasingly grew to rely on a
restricted subset of the language. The horrible syntactic
abberations that have descended out of the STL are a complete
abomination and a sign of a major weakness in the language,

>  Not being able to read the code of a
> competent programmer probably indicates your own level of inadequacy.

You should have kept this last remark to yourself; suppose to
yourself that even if you are right, sometimes right remarks
in particular are best left unspoken.


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