Why should I switch to Python?

Charlie Derr charlie at intelligenesis.net
Thu May 11 11:27:11 EDT 2000

[Tim Peters]
~ [Grant Griffin]
~ > Speaking of C, I find myself missing the "x=" operators, and "++".
~ > However, I understand and endorse the reasons Python omits them.
~ While ++ makes little sense in a language with immutable numbers,

I'm probably missing something obvious here, but why?

The only weird part that i see is that in order to implement it you would
have to do a type check and make sure the operand is of type integer, which
certainly seems to violate python's spirit, but I don't understand what's
relevant about numbers being immutable.   I never write "5++" it's always
"varName++", which can obviously be done the long way with "varName =
varName + 1".   Couldn't this be implemented with assignment in this
fashion?  (not that i would want it to be done, i'm just curious)


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