Q: Python Script vs. Win32 SendTo

Gordon McMillan gmcm at hypernet.com
Sat May 13 09:12:12 EDT 2000

Tom Vrankar <no at spam.net> wrote:
>I'm trying to write a python script that I want to place in Win32's 


>I can approximate what I want by creating a batch file, and 
dropping it's 
>shortcut in SendTo. I've editted the PIF to close on exit and run 
>but it's unsightly, and slow, and DOS-ifies the paths of the files I 
send to 

That's all I've ever done.

The shortcut has to be executable (not just have a file association).

You can embed the script in the bat file:
@echo off
rem = """
python -x <full path name of this file> %1 %2 %3 
goto endofpython
rem """
<python goes here>
rem = """
rem """

I vaguely recall posts from people who used the registry to tell 
Windows that .py files *are* executable, but I don't recall how that 

- Gordon

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