Type Inference Life Preserver

jerry_spicklemire at my-deja.com jerry_spicklemire at my-deja.com
Thu May 11 10:49:43 EDT 2000

Greetings Gurus & Wizards,

I just had a flash and thought I'd better spit it
out to see if anyone of the illuminati thinks
it's remotely feasible. If not, maybe Christian
Tismer can do it on his day off.

The insurmountable nagging gotcha of Type
Inference seems to be, when it doesn't, that is,
when the best guess turns out wrong. So, with
continuations enabled (via Stackless) would it
now be possible to wrap an entire Type Inference
Module in a Try that catches type errors? The Try
would discover the type, then call back to the
point in the "continuation" where type was
inferred, and force the correct type!

This may be the most obvious CS101ish question,
but I never took CS101. That's what comes of
Guido bestowing a language comprehensible by even
the great unwashed. See, it works!

I also know that feasible and worth the trouble
are two different things, but it seemed like a
shame to lose the concept just because I was too
shy to mention it (like that's ever been a
problem . . .)

Thanks for looking at this!
Jerry S.

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