Python3k extended grammar

Robert rhicks at
Thu May 18 22:42:24 EDT 2000

uggh...keep "return"...out with "->"...nuff said!

As a newbie..."return" makes it much easier read and understand


Roy Katz <katz at> wrote in message
news:Pine.GSO.4.21.0005181437530.2583-100000 at
> Hi!
> (apologies in advance as to the applicability of this message to such a
> general group)
> I checked out the TYPE-SIG material.. It's really interesting.
> I agree that grammars which take into account the type of an object are
> in quite demand in Python; however, as a (practical) programmer I take
> offense at the creation of (yet) more keywords and operators.  For
> example, take the function declaration grammar:
>    def func( x: Integer, y: Integer ) -> Integer:
> what's the rational behind using the -> operator, rather than sticking to
> 'return'?
>    def func( x, y ) return Integer:
> IMHO it's just another operator or keyword to bloat my language.
> Same thing with the proposed 'decl' operator. Why another keyword?
> What's wrong with the following:
>    int = Integer
>    def add( (int) x, (int) y )     # specifies type of the parameter
>            return int;             # specifies the return type
>    raise  exGenException:  # specifies the exceptions thrown
> z = x + y                  # body
> return z                   # exit.
> No added keywords there. I understand that the above is more verbose,
> however, I believe this approach is vastly more consistent with the
> traditional grammar. Then again, this is only my personal preference.
> Another question:  to whoever proposed the following notation:
>     x: [ Integer ]
> what happens when we have a list of list of strings?
>     x: [[ StringType ]]
> am I correct here?
> As I see it, we have a grammar spectrum with Pascal and Java on one side,
> (which places the burden on the programmer to declare, detail and
> categorize every little nuance), and perl on the other -- a language
> which IMHO is reconfigurable ad nauseum. (what kind of situation
> necessates changing the starting array index from 0, anyway?).
> Roey Katz
> Jewish Programmer.
> Oy.

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