Stackless/microthreads merge news

Christian Tismer tismer at
Tue May 9 13:39:45 EDT 2000

Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
> Also; the hype that's used here is all about the "enterprise"
> (whatever that is) and how Java is basically the new COBOL.
> Continuations are a LISPish feature, and won't be appreciated, as far
> as I can tell, by the ex-COBOL community now coming into Java.

This argument has hit me right between the eyes.
I may be changing targets again, not so sure,
but see Jeff Senn's post and my reply.
Rebuilding Python as a very tiny, scalable engine
for microcontrollers could be what we need, soon.

ciao - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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