Why Python needs Evangelizing

Martijn Faassen m.faassen at vet.uu.nl
Fri May 12 15:11:42 EDT 2000

Sean Mc Grath <digitome at iol.ie> wrote:
>>It's similar to where I live in the northwest. No matter what it looks like
>>outside, we always tell people it's raining. :)

> Yup, you said it. Ireland, North West, raining? Of course it is
> raining dammit!

> Anyway, getting back on track... I stopped worrying about
> Python about a month ago. Traffic on this list has
> increased dramatically.

Oh me too. Python's now really at the very edge of the 'straight up into
infinity' part of the exponential curse, um, curve. We've seen people
clamoring for a newsgroup split a while back, and that was I think the first
time since I've been here. Luckily the SIG lists can cover a lot of traffic,
and of course the Zope lists cover a lot of Zope related traffic, so I hope
this nice group can survive for a while longer. Let's just try to avoid
getting snippy, and we're safe. :)

> Zope is just about the coolest
> thing I have seen this century [:-)]. XML and Python are
> like burgers'n'chips, salt'n'pepper, Astair and Rogers....

XML and Zope is getting a lot cooler too. :)

> Python is on a roll. Enjoy the ride!!!!!

[snip long sig]

You-forgot-the-"-ly y'rs"-(or my -ly yours flavor)-ly yours,

History of the 20th Century: WW1, WW2, WW3?
No, WWW -- Could we be going in the right direction?

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