Case sensitivity/insensitivity

François Pinard pinard at
Mon May 22 13:33:24 EDT 2000

Bjorn Pettersen <bjorn at> écrit:

> as (with the Norwegian mapping...):

>   så lenge som 1:
>     linje = f.lesLinje()
>     hvis ikke linje:
>       brekk
>     ...

> hey, it's much easier for every Norwegian speaking person (and I'm sure
> the f-bot can read it too ;-)

I'd loved this as well, for French.  (When using Pascal, we also had
French keywords, and it was delightful for the local community.)

It might especially please the adoption of Python for teaching programming
to younger children.  English keywords are kind of unacceptable.

Yet, I was once chatting with Guido about internationalisation matters,
and he quite misread or misinterpreted one of my suggestion, and thought
I was proposing international keywords, to which he violently objected,
to my surprise.

But the impression remained to me that Guido seems reluctant to such things.
So, a consequence is that CP4E might well be CP4ESE after all (the last two
letters meaning "speaking English" :-).  A bad point for Python in schools.

François Pinard

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