stackless, uthreads, and GUIs

Will Ware wware at
Tue Mar 21 23:31:11 EST 2000

Johann Hibschman (johann at wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone has experimented with using stackless to
> implement guis.  I haven't played with the package much myself (yet),
> but it seems like you could write something nice using continuations
> to implement dialog boxes, and so on.

I've been very slowly starting to put together a Pacman-style game
using microthreads, where each of the four monsters gets a thread.
I haven't given any thought to applying microthreads to the issue
of dialog boxes and event loops, but it definitely sounds like a
possible application. If you're on a Unix box, you'll find everything
you need at
I think there may be changes in my tarball that haven't yet made it
into the Windows version of Stackless Python, so I can't guarantee that
a Windows build would work.
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Resistance is futile. Capacitance is efficacious.
Will Ware	email:    wware @

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