Writing to files

Daley, MarkX markx.daley at intel.com
Mon Mar 20 16:52:11 EST 2000

Here is a piece of code I wrote to write the items in a list sequentially to
a file.


a=some list ([1,2,3,whatever])

	for x in a:

When I run it, I get this:

	Traceback (innermost last):
 		 File "<pyshell#2>", line 1, in ?
  	File "C:\PROGRA~1\Python\collect.py", line 30, in collect
	TypeError: sequence index must be integer

Any ideas on what is causing this?  The data in the list is columnar
information pulled from a database, but this shouldn't be the cause of the
problem because I can substitute a print statement in for the f.write
statement and it works just fine.  Any suggestions are appreciated.


Mark Daley

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