Python (Mildly Humourous)

Charles Boncelet boncelet at
Wed Mar 8 19:49:59 EST 2000

Imran wrote:

> I've been trying to get my college to install Python seeing as they already have
> Basic, Pascal, Cobol, and VB, but when you've technical support like this what
> do you do :-)

Most of us are too close to Python (and TCL, etc.) to realize that many other
aren't  aware of it.  Just accept their ignorance ("Don't blame on malice that
which is adaequately explained by ignorance"--anonymous).

Give them reasons why it should be installed:

1. I want to run Zope, mailman, sketch, pybliographer, exmh, (insert your favorite
Python/TCL application here) and I need Python/TCL to do so.  You may want to
offer to help--at least to point out where they can get the tarballs. (This
is likely to be one they understand the most. IT people are used to installing
software for people.)

2. I want to develop code in Python/TCL.  (If they are really clueless, they may
respond why with all the other choices available do you need Python/TCL?  Then
you may get stuck  in a language debate. Tell them Python is the latest hot
and that they need it to be current.)

    Charlie Boncelet
Charles Boncelet, University of Delaware,
On sabbatical at ADFA, Canberra Australia,
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