Python - Next Release Questions

Moshe Zadka moshez at
Tue Mar 28 00:43:20 EST 2000

On Mon, 27 Mar 2000, Matheus Rodrigues wrote:

> Where can I find a list of features that will be present in the next release 
> ?

Here's a short list

-- Python now supports unicode. Unicode strings are marked with
-- Strings (both unicode and regular) have methods
-- The regular expression engine is changed to SRE (not yet in CVS). This
   engine supports unicode, and is rumored to be faster.
-- The "in" operator is overloadable: a in b will first try to call 
   b.__contains__(a) if b is a class instance.

(There are probably more changes, but these are the ones that come to

> What are the impacts of the changes in my current applications ?

None, mostly. Some bugs were fixed, so if your application relies on them,
you better fix it. One of those bugs which caused a lot of excitement is
that multi-argument append no longer works.

Moshe Zadka <mzadka at>. -- we put the penguin in .com

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