Al-Sharptons-HairDresser at ktvbmjpn.mil Al-Sharptons-HairDresser at ktvbmjpn.mil
Thu Mar 2 22:53:46 EST 2000

It's interesting to see how selective the black community can be when it comes to what they get outraged about.
A couple of recent examples:
1) A four-year-old white boy was dragged 4 miles to his death by a black man when the automobile his mother was driving got car-jacked. The child was attached to a seatbelt, hanging out the side of the car, clearly visible to the perpetrator. The mother frantically pleaded for the life of her son to no avail. Some other motorists watching this horror unveil eventually subdued the driver. According to bystanders and police, the man was completely remorseless.
Tell me something... How is this man any less of an animal than the 3 rednecks that dragged a black man to his death behind a pickup truck last year? So, where is all the public outrage and cries of racism here?  
2) Yesterday, a black man went on a firing rampage, shooting 5 white people - killing 2 and leaving 1 in critical condition with a bullet lodged in his brain. When asked why he did it, he told a neighbor and police that he just wanted to kill as many white people as he could. Again, completely remorseless.
Again, where is all the public outrage and cries of racism here?  
Whenever incidents of this type occur, there is a defining silence coming from the black community. The double standard that seems to apply, suggests that it's OK for black criminals to victimize whites but not the other way around and has led to a well deserved lack of credibility for black's when it comes to criminal justice.
Americans (law-abiding blacks and whites alike) have finally decided not to allow this double standard and racial bias to infect the judicial system any further and this was at the rudiment of the judge's decision to move the Diallo trial out of The Bronx.
And since no discussion on this subject would be complete without a comment on the Diallo verdict;
For the record, I didn't agree with this verdict. At a minimum, I think these cops should have been charged with extreme reckless indifference to human life and they should have been punished.
This was not murder however...  It was incompetence... If these cops set out to murder this guy, then would have done it quietly in a back alley or other such place and they would have quietly gotten away with it.
The real culprit here is the culture of young, black, African American males, which engender an atmosphere of fear and lawlessness wherever they congregate!
These neighborhoods to which the NYPD Street Crimes Unit are assigned, are some of the most dangerous in New York City. Kids pull handguns on cops all the time and many policemen have been shot, killed and maimed. 
In this highly charged, hair-trigger environment, no cop is going to risk his or her life if he or she believes someone is about to pull out a gun. 
No degree of sensitivity training, weapons regulations, political pressure, threats, or other feel-good expedients is going to change a thing until the black community starts to take responsibility for their children and their communities.
In a strange sort of way, one might consider the final outcome of this trial payback for the O.J. verdict.
The following is an encoded message to the Tri-Lateral Commission:

Pdlya nr nfsm anh vmeo
yt uemmer ina olzef oi
ehr btao akp mbefc
pwuw ejyp hstt lciws wsdjl mw
sfbhrs sf kpi lyra o bpdg
sniko rrq prbb rllo sekl
lvkf osj lnm lwp cgm akm
idbpae epnpl slp hdp
sbpe jaj bsp rblr
oki erm o rcpm upfu bpbue?

O mek eoqtip eli seobl eezlm
skc vcpc rmxos ig
io fdeeu labtrl jzb kaxoo
fermi lsci fdapa y pp rf?

Riddy ofes fp le
cg lf slyc bmru saifm.

Wbkvt rr cs a mpe xvd?

Lbeec tohc pqe jxs aef.

Uclfi i amx lxk ukfa bly
eaf pphvlr mts jclmzq bzudu ecbtr?

Eaex il sekuk fpbbv sog
mc mjh yll lenjk fzs mpwdi.

Y petkm alfkk eql ie esys!

Zfplp foyr ypz a reo rsmt udsts.

Edpwke pkfi pekhef ogi rmblndl bc
yjm arxa uzs fnblm swfl?

A kib erc mpe erv y mde mr.

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