>4GB files with python

ethan mindlace fremen mindlace at imeme.net
Fri Mar 3 07:02:24 EST 2000

well, to continue my tradition of talking to myself:

i've compiled python as follows:
 ./configure --with-threads

which gets the danged thing writing files past 2GB.

However, it then chokes and dies at precisely 4GB.  Here's the (don't
laugh) code I used to test it:

#ethan's slap-dash big file maker.
import os

bigfile = open('bigfile', 'a')

# gigabyte x 23
filesize = ((2**30) * 23L)
blocksize = ((2**20) * 23L)

while blocksize > os.path.getsize('bigfile'):
	bigfile.write('All work and no play makes jack a dull boy\n')
	print os.path.getsize('bigfile')


fatfile = open('fatfile', 'a')
bigfile = open('bigfile', 'r')
block = bigfile.read(blocksize)
while filesize > os.path.getsize('fatfile'):
	kbytes = (os.path.getsize('fatfile') / (2**30L))
	print kbytes

emf - mindlace at imeme.net
good design is as close as I want to get to ideology.

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