What If Python Replaced Elisp?

Grant Edwards grant at nowhere.
Fri Mar 10 14:12:27 EST 2000

In article <pcoya7tdnty.fsf at math.ntnu.no>, Harald Hanche-Olsen wrote:

>| >[...] wildly minimalist, especially compared to Emacs.
>| Compared to Emacs, what isn't?
>Windows?  Or any other product from the same company?

Good point.

>Or, closer to home for most emacs users, what about X11?

One might argue that it would be hard to come up with a
portable, network-transparent windowing system that was much
simpler than X11, while it is possible to come up with a
simpler text editor than emacs.  But, that assumes that the
only requirement for an emacs replacement is editing text...

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  And furthermore,
                                  at               my bowling average is
                               visi.com            unimpeachable!!!

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