11-digit integer literal on a 32-bit CPU

Alex alex at somewhere.round.here
Mon Mar 6 20:11:30 EST 2000

> I need to assign an 11-digit Transaction ID, according to specs I'm
> given by a client.
> Begin with 10000000000
> Increment by 1 for each new transaction -- 10000000001, etc.
> (Store as string in a file between transactions)
> As an integer literal, this overflows on an Intel CPU.
> What's a nice trick for dealing with this?
> Total transactions aren't likely to exceed 999,999

Does this do what you want?

class Transaction_ID:
    def __init__(self, id_number):
        self.number = id_number

    def __str__(self):
        output = str(self.number)
        output = '1' + (10 - len(output)) * '0' + output
        return output

    def next_id(self):
        return Transaction_ID(self.number + 1)

print Transaction_ID(50)   


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