Forth like interpreter

Christian Tismer tismer at
Sun Mar 12 15:12:32 EST 2000

Darrell wrote:
[Samuel about Forth]
> Forth's dictionary being a singly linked list of variable sized arrays
> packed end to end does seem like a garbage collection problem. I've made a
> TIL dictionary a hash table and added reference counting in the past. But as
> you've said that wouldn't be Forth. 

Well, that's one reason why I said "no Forth, but TIL".
There is no need for a Forth dictionary to have a threaded
language. I have Python's dictionaries, why use something else?
Forth uses early binding, so I'd go with one lookup and store
a pointer to the word. I'd do the complete Forth code generation
from Python, that's better than to go bottom up again.

But well, that's future, no time now...

the-future-of-the-computation - ly y'rs - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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