multi-arg append (was RE: will python 3000 break my code?)

Daniel Berlin dan at
Thu Mar 2 00:18:31 EST 2000

>>>>> "TP" == Tim Peters <tim_one at> writes:

   TP> [/F]

   TP> Now for the question: has anyone else <wink>?  That is, in my
   TP> experience so far, has found all the cases that were
   TP> actually broken (verfied by running the fixed code under a Python
   TP> fiddled to raise an exception on multi-arg append).

I've seen two cases, both were where a function was passed in as an argument, 
and then applied with some other arguments, and the function happened to be
append on a list.

>> ...  calling professional programmers idiots is not okay.

   TP> That really depends on the professional programmer in question, right?
   TP> For example, I enjoy being called an idiot.

See, it depends.
I'm all for being called a complete idiot, but i won't settle for anything less than 
   TP> it's-amusing!-ly y'rs - tim

   | -- 

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