installing cephes (or other modules)

Janko Hauser jhauser at
Tue Mar 21 02:20:30 EST 2000

If you run a unix like OS you should make a directory SpecialFuncs under
and put the *.so and *.py files in this directory. Then you generate
in /usr/local_or_something/lib/python1.5/site-packages a file named
`SpecialFuncs.pth' and write into this file the only line

If you now start python 
>>> import sys
>>> sys.path

This directory should be in your path. Now you can install cephes.


  Institut fuer Meereskunde             phone: 49-431-597 3989
  Dept. Theoretical Oceanography        fax  : 49-431-565876
  Duesternbrooker Weg 20                email: jhauser at
  24105 Kiel, Germany

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