Python performance

see_plus_plus at see_plus_plus at
Tue Mar 7 13:40:38 EST 2000

Until somebody writes a chess program in Python or Lisp to beat the
chess world champion, performance is a big question with those two

The program running on the IBM Deep Blue that beat the best chess player
was not written in Python/Perl/Tcl/etc., neither in C++ nor Java, but in
the abandonning C.

That program did not crash during the competition, it thinks much faster
and much deeper than Kasparov.


In article <jQ%w4.238$m4.7517 at news>,
  "Chris Ryland" <cpr at> wrote:
> The recent Python-for-Lisp-ers note and other recent notes have
brought up
> Python performance.
> I'm just curious (being an old language hacker for 30+ years but new
> Python): why is Python performance ultimately any worse than Lisp?
> Is it because there's only been one major implementation effort so
far, and
> so people haven't had a chance to learn the techniques required to
make it
> run fast, while Lisp has had 30+ years to mature?
> What's so different about compiling Python vs. Lisp? Some Lisp
> have gotten quite good over the years.
> I realize this is a big subject, and that many of you Python wizards
> there have thought a good deal about it, and I don't want to open a
can of
> worms, but if someone can summarize the issues, that'd sure be helpful
> someone who wants to understand them.
> Thanks.
> --
> Cheers!
> / Chris Ryland, President / Em Software, Inc. /

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