When to use classes?

Toby Dickenson mbel44 at dial.pipex.net
Wed Mar 8 04:32:26 EST 2000

danielt3 at gte.net (Daniel T.) wrote:

>For the above, your best bet would be something like:
>x,y = poly.firstPointX(), poly.firstPointY()
>x,y = poly.firstPoint() # assumes that firstPoint( self ) returns a tuple
>aPoint = poly.firstPoint()  # assumes that firstPoint( self ) returns a Point
>                            # class object

That second method does not require a tuple - any sequence object will
do. If you have a point class that implements the sequence protocol
then you can use both conventions.

This is probably the best pure-python option unless you have millions
of these objects, or you will be accessing them millions of times.

Toby Dickenson
tdickenson at geminidataloggers.com

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